Fides Umemura

Fides Umemura has lived in Japan for 20 years, earning her PhD in Architecture (majoring in Structural and Earthquake Engineering) in the University of Tokyo in 2004. After working in a major construction company and a national university in Japan, she began working fulltime as a freelancer in 2013 to be able to spend more time with three kids under 7. She started TOR Translations LLC in 2017, providing translation, interpretation and other services in a wide range of fields, from the STEM fields to architecture, automotive, environment and tourism.


Building Both a Business and a Profession in Translation: Best Practices of a Freelancer

Making the leap towards becoming a full-time freelance translator involves a lot of risks. You have no job security, and your work schedule and income is unstable. Because you are your own boss, you have to do your marketing to look for clients, decide your work hours and rates,...