IJET-26: SIG Meetings

As well as all the great talks planned for the two days of the conference, we also have several JAT Special Interest Group Meetings running on the day before the conference. If you are not a member of JAT but are interested in attending one of them, please contact the JAT SIG liaison. Tickets will be available soon from this page.


Three special interest groups will be meeting on Friday 19 June 2015, with all sessions ending in time for participants to get to the evening Zenyasai. Please click on the name of the group to see details of their meeting!


All meetings will be held in DeGrey Court on the York St John University campus. (Click here for map.)


Early bird tickets are available for GBP 16.00, increasing to GBP 20.00 after the early bird deadline on June 2, BST. Please book your ticket in advance if possible! 


Please bring your ticket to the registration table at room DG/016, De Grey Court building for your Pass.


No refunds will be issued, however if you are unable to attend you can transfer your ticket to someone else by updating your order information with the new attendee's information.


  • JATINT - interpreting special interest group
  • JATPATENT - patent translation special interest group 
  • JATPHARMA - pharmaceutical translation special interest group (The JATPHARMA Handbook will also be available!)




Venue: Room DG/121, DeGrey Court, York St John University campus (Click here for campus map)

Time: 13:00 to 17:00


The pre-IJET-26 JATINT presentations will be by Izumi Suzuki and Rie Hiramatsu


Izumi Suzuki became a conference interpreter in Tokyo after graduating from the Japan Interpreter Training School and completing the ISS Simultaneous Interpreters Course. She moved to Michigan 30+ years ago and established Suzuki, Myers & Associates, Ltd., a Japanese & English translation/interpreting firm, in 1984. She is an ATA-certified (J<>E) translator and has served as a grader for over 2 decades in ATA’s certification Program, and now serves as a member of the Certification Committee. She is a certified court interpreter in California, Michigan and Tennessee.  Her language specialties are manufacturing, engineering and legal.   Contact: [email protected].


Workshop – How to be a Professional Interpreter

Abstract: In this competitive world, it is not easy to start and continue business as a professional interpreter. This session will present the “Do’s and Don’ts” of J<>E interpreting as well as some exercise to enhance memory/interpreting skills. Based on over 30 years of experience as a successful interpreter/business owner in the US, the presenter will talk about how you can establish a business, deal with clients, and be regarded by them as a professional interpreter. This presentation is for those who want to have business as interpreters with US agencies/direct clients.


Rie Hiramatsu works as a freelance interpreter for the BBC’s Japanese language service on Video-on-Demand. Previously she worked as an in-house interpreter/translator on TV amongst others in Tokyo before moving to London in 2007. She received formal interpreting training at ISS in Japan and at London Metropolitan University. She completed the course studying part-time whilst working full-time in 2014. She chose the Legal option for PSI (Public Service Interpreting), where other Japanese students have taken Medical option. She is a Member of ITI (The Institute for Translation and Interpreting in the UK) and currently the Coordinator for “J-Net” (the Japanese language specialist network of ITI) since 2014.

Contact: mailto:[email protected]


Interpreting in the UK and in Japan

Abstract: Having worked both in Japan and in the UK as an in-house and freelance interpreter for over 15 years in total. The presenter will talk about her discovery and adaptation in British society as an interpreter, highlighting differences through her own experience, covering perception of profession, expectations and qualifications, including PSI (Legal) interpreting in the UK. Future prospects in both countries comparing foreseeable changes in society, and opportunities/setbacks for which we can prepare as individual and institutional levels.



Venue: Room DG/016, DeGrey Court, York St John University campus (Click here for campus map)

Time: 12:30 to 17:30


The JAT Patent SIG steering committee is pleased to host a pre-IJET 26 seminar as outlined below on Friday, June 19 from 12:30 to 17:30, ending in plenty of time for participants to get to the zenyasai.


Title: Patent English Workshop


Guest speaker: Stephen Scott, EIP LLP, Intellectual Property Law firm, UK and European Patent Attorney


Objectives: 1. To provide attendees with an insight into the sort of language interpretation (construction) issues in English language patent specifications which result in reduced patent right scope, prolonged arguments with the examiner, or subsequently become the focus of litigation.

2. To provide attendees with an opportunity to clarify the underlying basis for instructions from clients regarding wording to be used/avoided in J > E patent translations, and to find out if the instructions make sense from a Patent Attorney perspective.

3. To provide attendees with an opportunity to meet peer translators who are working with different types of client, and to discover and discuss some of the issues that arise in the various fields of patent translation.


This session is open to anyone interested in patent translation, and will run parallel to the pharma SIG session. There will be refreshments with a short networking session during the break.



Venue: Room DG/223, DeGrey Court, York St John University campus (Click here for campus map)

Time: 12:30 to 17:30


The JATPHARMA special interest group is pleased to announce our pre-IJET meeting, packed with valuable information and networking opportunities for pharma and biomedical translators. 

The meeting will feature a two-hour presentation on immunology by Dr Ed Zanders, another thought-provoking session by Daisuke Yanase, entitled “Biomedical translation: Lump it? Like it!”, and other translation workshop activities led by Tony Atkinson.


Immunology Workshop

Immunology addresses the question of how our body can recognise, target and remove infectious agents, and then be able to repeat the process years later. The immune response also plays a central role in the pathology of autoimmune diseases and can be exploited to provide diagnostics and biological drugs. This workshop will present these different aspects of immunology in terms of their underlying simplicity so as to clarify some of the complex jargon that is associated with this subject. Links will be provided for further reading.


Dr Ed Zanders is a subject matter specialist with a PhD in biochemistry and extensive experience in immunology research in both academia and industry. Through his company PharmaGuide Ltd, he has delivered courses, webinars and conference presentations for translators in the UK, USA, France, Portugal and Germany.

Website: www.pharmaguide.co.uk


Biomedical translation: Lump it? Like it!
Technical translators always have to grapple with unfamiliar terminology and concepts. It is an ordeal to write in a foreign language that you don't fully understand. The source text turns into something you have to endure UNLESS you grasp the message it intends to convey. Today, I am going to discuss how to discern the key point of a biomedical passage, using as examples two medical concepts expressed by a familiar-sounding word: Remodeling.


As a senior medical translator in SunFlare Co., Ltd., a Tokyo-based translation company, Daisuke Yanase is making the most of his colorful career. Having studied plant physiology at Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture, he spent the first 15 years of his working career at the agrochemical research center of a chemical company. Then he was engaged in several agrochemical development projects, including pesticide registration in Europe, followed by a brief period in pharmaceutical quality control. In 2003, he decided to try his English writing skills in a pharmaceutical company, for which he worked for 10 years, translating documents for pharmacovigilance, clinical trials, and drug approval applications between Japanese and English. He has a PhD in plant physiology from Kyoto University.


The Last Word

The concluding paragraph of a research paper looks back over the findings of the research and makes a judgment based on the findings. It may also include the implications of the findings, suggestions for future research, calls to action, improvements to techniques, or speculation on other potential directions. In this workshop we will examine some common phrases encountered in the concluding paragraphs of Japanese biomedical research papers and discuss how they can be translated into English to provide a strong ending.


Tony Atkinson majored in physics at the University of Western Australia and taught science for ten years before switching to Japanese-English translation in 1988. A freelance translator since 1992, his work is now focused mainly on the areas of medicine and drug development. He also teaches J-E medical translation in the Master’s Course in Japanese and English Translation at the University of Queensland, and delivers seminars and workshops on pharma translation and scientific writing to clients in Japan. He is the current chair of the JAT special interest group JATPHARMA.


Map of venue