Bruno Romero

Bruno G. Romero is the Manager of the Language Services Program at the Supreme Court of Ohio.  His primary responsibilities include: testing and certification of court interpreters, training on matters related to language access, policy development and federal and state compliance.  To assist Ohio courts in developing consistent practices in the use of court interpreters, Romero developed a number of resources for the courts: a Report on the Use of Interpreters in Ohio Courts, Interpreters in the Judicial System: A Handbook for Judges, The Role of Interpreters in the Legal System (DVD), The Cultural Misconceptions about Deaf People and the Challenge for the Courts (DVD) and he also published Here are your Right Hands: Exploring Interpreter Qualifications, University of Dayton Law Review.


Up Your Language Game: Japanese Interpreting in and out of Court

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of interpreters and translators is projected to grow about 30 percent over the next decade.  Globalization, immigration and U.S. courts pushing to ensure equal access are increasing the demand for qualified interpreters in...