Paul Flint

Paul Flint is a freelance translator and founding partner at Honyaku Plus with more than 12 years experience in the translation industry and 25 years experience in starting and running small businesses in Japan. Born in 1962 in the US, he has lived in Japan since 1992, and currently resides in Tokyo with his wife and two sons.


Evolution From Freelancer to Agency

From the relatively idyllic life of a freelance translator to the nine-to-five (and then five-to-nine) grind of an agency manager: how did it happen? Why did it happen? And why me? Honyaku Plus was incorporated on March 11, 2003, (an ominous date in many ways) by Paul Flint and...


Ethics Panel – the Gameshow!!

Welcome erstwhile linguists!! Welcome to a modern ordeal by mortification! Yes! We will present to you a cohort of contestants, stand them on a podium one by one and give them a ridiculously small amount of time to develop and present a practical response to an excruciating...