Executive Vice President, Aizu Electric Power Company

Jun Yamada

Jun Yamada graduated from The University of Tokyo with a degree in electrical engineering. He has served as Executive Vice President of Aizu Electric Power Company since 2013. The company is working to develop renewable energy resources in the Fukushima region and to create innovate products and services using the energy. Mr. Yamada has also been a senior advisor to Qualcomm since 2012. He previously served as Senior Vice President of Qualcomm and President of Qualcomm Japan from March 2005 to 2012.


Why are we doing this? - Renewable energy venture in Fukushima

This presentation focuses on a local initiative in Fukushima that was launched after the disaster of 3.11 (the Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011). The failure of the nuclear power plant reminded some people in Fukushima of the lack of awareness of the source of their energy....