Chris Blakeslee (IJET-22)

Chris Blakeslee has spent the past 13 years as a ful l-time freelance Japanese-English financial/economics t ranslator, almost exclusively for direct clients. His prior occupations include RF-4 navigator for the Air Force in Asia and the US, door-to-door salesman in central Tokyo, in-house translator in Tokyo, Miami-based economic development consultant covering East Asia, and negotiator of trademark licenses and overseas joint ventures for a US conglomerate. He has a B.S. in Finance from Florida State University, and studied economics at the graduate level part-time for 18 months at the University of Toulouse in France.


Panel: Show Me the Money!

This panel will focus on topics such as how to charge, negotiation strategies, productivity, rates and income, quality, branding, volume, competition, working with agencies and exchange rates.