Sarah Bull

Sarah Bull graduated from The University of Queensland's Masters of Japanese Interpreting and Translation (MAJIT) program as a NAATI accredited translator and interpreter in 2006.

Since graduating, she has dedicated herself to developing a specialization in legal translation and to the teaching of translation. After working as an in-house legal translator at a major law firm in Tokyo for four years, Sarah made the shift to freelance translation. Since making that shift in 2011 she has taught translation at Sophia University and Temple University in Japan, and in the MAJIT course in Queensland, Australia, and nowadays is kept very busy as a partner at Translation Business Systems Japan (TBSJ). She is also a committee member of JAT Special Interest Group JATLAW.


Teaching Translation (Panel Discussion)

Advances in communications technology, software applications, and the Internet have revolutionized the teaching of translation. Or have they? Is it still a dry and dusty subject, more suited to the chalkboard and handwritten assignments submitted to the lecturer and returned...