Tony Atkinson

Majoring in physics (BSc) at the University of Western Australia, Tony Atkinson taught science for ten years before switching to Japanese-English translation in 1988. A freelance translator since 1992, his work is now focused mainly on the areas of medicine and drug development. He also delivers seminars and workshops on pharma translation and English scientific writing to clients in Japan. He is currently a Board member of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) and a past chair of JATPHARMA, the JAT special-interest group dedicated to pharma translation.


Writing for Publication and Editing Research Papers Written by Non-native Speakers of English

In a sure-to-be-lively, moderated panel session, two experienced practitioners will briefly review key issues involved in scientific writing and editing for publication, then answer questions from the audience and moderator. This interactive session is intended for those seeking...


Interactive Quiz: Let the Verb Tell the Story: Translation of Japanese Verbs Revisited

In this session—make sure you bring along a smartphone, tablet, or other internet-enabled device to participate—Tony Atkinson will pose a range of questions involving J-E translation and English grammar and writing style specifically prepared from biomedical and pharma sources....



This year, we decided to focus on a hands-on program that should prove useful to all biomedical and med/pharma translators regardless of where they are in their careers. The entire day will be interactive starting with a CAT tools workshop with Ben Tompkins, followed by an...