




翻訳スクールでは何を教えていると思いますか? ニューラル機械翻訳を添削しながらご紹介します(私の場合です)。翻訳を学んでもらうには、訳文の良し悪し、良い訳文を作るための過程、それに必要な能力を習得する方法を知ってもらう必要があります。特許(技術)翻訳の品質とは何か、翻訳スクールは何を教えるべきか、また、これから翻訳者になろうとする人たちに私たちは何を伝えるべきか、そういったことも考えてみようと思います。


1. 特許翻訳のお約束(根拠を確かめよう) 2. その訳事実にあってる?

3. ウエイトが変わると意味が変わる 4....


ATA(米国翻訳者協会)の翻訳認定試験について手短に説明し、予め翻訳してきていただいた模擬試験用パッセージ(250 wordくらい)を自己採点して頂きます。どのような間違いが減点の対象になり、その深刻度によってどれくらい減点されるのかをご説明します。模擬試験用パッセージは、以下のURLからダウンロードしてください(英>日、日>英、いずれもpdfファイル)。





Actuality of Patent Translation Using Machine Translation


Alexander Technique for translators

The Alexander Technique is a learning method of paying attention to ourselves and directing ourselves while we are doing something. Usually we do something with habitual patterns of using ourselves in terms of our physical body and our mind.

When we notice it takes extra effort...

Bridge-people in Offshore Software Development of Japanese Companies: Focusing on Cases in Vietnam

In order to reduce labor costs, the amount of Offshore Software Development has increased recently. There is specific person called ‘Bridge SE’ in Offshore Software Development of Japanese Firms. Why do Japanese firms need ‘Bridge SEs’?

One researcher mentioned one important...

Business Practice in Japan, How to Become More Independent as a Translator and Interpreter

Many translators and interpreters are effectively independent, operating as a sole proprietorship or an employee of their own company. As independent businesspersons, several areas become quite important in developing and maintaining their practices. This session, presented in...

Business and IP Management in Japanese Companies

In recent years the competitiveness of the Japanese industries, especially electronic industries, which reached the height of the 1980s in the world, is decreasing in the rise of neighboring Asian countries. The main reason is that Japanese companies were unable to supply the...

Differences between Japanese and American Judicial Procedure: Interpreters’ Perspectives

There are many differences between the US and Japanese judicial procedures. Suzuki will talk about one of the biggest differences –deposition procedure which is a disclosure tool. She will explain what it is and the role of interpreters in the procedure, as well as expressions...

For people who sit all day – How to regain a healthy posture with the Mitzvah Technique

Sitting too much? Are you slouching?

Learn how to regain a healthy posture.

Anyone who spends much of their day hunched over a computer will benefit from this session.

Most of us are born with bodies that function well, but we learn unhealthy posture habits as we grow up. We...

High Speed Translation Using Text Editor and Macro

A text editor runs macro programs faster than WORD and can automate many steps thata translator goes through manually. The speaker will discuss a Japanese to English translation method using Hidemaru, a text editor, and how to apply macro in the translation process. Macro...

How Does it Work? ~作用機序、母集団薬物動態、免疫~





IJET-29 Keynote

IJET-29 基調講演




INT SIG: Interpreting Services

A lot of meetings have been held not only for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games but also for various purposes with interpreting services. The purpose of this session is to have an interactive and informative time on current interpreting jobs between participants and...

Interactive Quiz: Let the Verb Tell the Story: Translation of Japanese Verbs Revisited

In this session—make sure you bring along a smartphone, tablet, or other internet-enabled device to participate—Tony Atkinson will pose a range of questions involving J-E translation and English grammar and writing style specifically prepared from biomedical and pharma sources....

Interpretation Technology: Assisting Human Interpreters for Better Performance

In recent years, the so-called “babel fish” technologies, which provides real-time machine translation in a person’s ear, have repeatedly failed in market testing. As interpreters start to feel more secure in their professions, our attention naturally falls to how technology can...

Let the Verb Tell the Story: Translation of Japanese Verbs Revisited

Two and a half years have passed since I attended a JATPHARMA event held here in Osaka and talked about the ways to translate Japanese adaptive, all-round verbs, such as 検討する, 認める, and 対応する, into English. The gist of my talk was that word-for-word translation rarely works when...

Mine your term to be the best.  How to improve translation quality with term extract and text mining

Translation technology is improving day by day since computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools) were introduced to the industry. During this 60-min session, I would like to highlight general terminology management functions on popular CAT tools. Also I would like to talk about...


No One in the Cockpit, and No Hands on the Wheel—Translating about Drones and Self-Driving Cars

Drones and self-driving cars have captured the imagination of people all over the world.  New applications for drones and the arrival of self-driving cars will bring economic opportunities to some, but to others these technological advances bring questions of reliability,...



This year, we decided to focus on a hands-on program that should prove useful to all biomedical and med/pharma translators regardless of where they are in their careers. The entire day will be interactive starting with a CAT tools workshop with Ben Tompkins, followed by an...

TM Migration Between CAT Programs

With the spread of CAT programs being used by individual translators, companies and translation agencies alike, keeping translation memories to be used with multiple programs and multiple clients can be a challenge.

This session will go over some methods used to maintain...

The Criminal Mind: Psychiatric Evaluations 101

Suspects accused of crime undergo these evaluations and results become evidence to be discussed in the courtroom, and in high-profile criminal cases, by the media, as society attempts to make sense of a terrible crime or horrific criminal behavior.

This presentation should be...


The Four Pillars of Technical Translation: A Hands-On Introduction to Patent Translation

This interactive session is geared towards both new and experienced translators who have done little to no technical translation work from Japanese to English in the field of patents, but who are curious about what it entails. The session will begin with a presentation of the...

The Hunter in Bilingual Jungles: How to Exploit the Web for Learning beyond Dictionaries

Unlike literary work imbued with culture and history, medical and other technical documents theoretically have to be translatable into all the languages of the world. However, this is easier said than done, largely because technologies never stop growing in both extent and...

The Japanese Commercial Lease Agreement

Legal translation is a stimulating and relatively well-remunerated aspect of Japanese/English translation, but one that can seem daunting to those who lack legal training and qualifications.  Within legal translation, the commercial contract is a type of document that I...

The Localization Game – Not Just Role Playing

This interactive session is focused on game localization but should interest anyone working in areas that call for creative translation skills, and particularly freelance translators.  The presenters will introduce some of the creative, technical, and organizational challenges...

The pursuit of efficiency in teaching J>E translation

Translation is a very complex process. It involves full comprehension of the source text within its cultural context, and the rendering of the source text in the target text within that cultural context. Naturally, the translator needs a high level of proficiency in both the...

To Be or Not To Be…Productive

To earn more money you can either up your rates or up your productivity (or do both), but if you don't want to spend time on marketing and finding higher paying clients then upping your productivity and managing your time more effectively is probably the more realistic option.


Trados, Felix, or Something Else?: Choosing a computer assisted translation tool

I’m often surprised when my biomedical translation colleagues tell me that they don’t use a CAT tool. Perhaps they’re intimidated by the learning curve? Or perpaps the price scares them. In this presentation I'll cover some of the basic features of SDL Trados and Felix and show...

Translate the Meaning, not the Words! Typical Mistakes in Patent Translation and Their Consequences

Pre-IJET Seminar  (Friday, June 29, 13:30-15:30)

In this seminar, we will have a look at the two main types of translation mistakes in patent translation and the different consequences these mistakes can have in the worst case. Mistakes that distort or change the meaning of the...

Translating monetary policy talk and central banker speak

What do translators and central bankers have in common? An extreme fixation on choosing the right words. Monetary policy is a field where words really matter. Sure, qualitative and quantitative easing (QQE) and interest on excess reserves sound like dry subjects, but imagine you...

Visit 適塾!








Word Limits: Language, Labor, and Love in a Neoliberal Visual World

An exploration into shifts in subtitling practice in an era of worldwide streaming. Over the last two decades, digital subtitling technologies have transformed how subtitles are conceived, created, and consumed.  The digital has meant a new “consumer-level” access to subtitling...

Working with Japanese Agencies—A Primer

Are you looking for translation work in Japan? Although you may have little problem finding opportunities in this market, if you have joined our profession recently then you might be wondering about a few things:

Should I work with agencies or find my own clients?

If I work...

Writing for Publication and Editing Research Papers Written by Non-native Speakers of English

In a sure-to-be-lively, moderated panel session, two experienced practitioners will briefly review key issues involved in scientific writing and editing for publication, then answer questions from the audience and moderator. This interactive session is intended for those seeking...

e-JUKU Discussion

e-Juku is an online skill-building program that has been held annually by JAT since 2009. In its current format, participants translate a short text, then discuss their translations via the Basecamp online forum over a period of two to three weeks, together with input from the...




デモで見せます。私の翻訳チェック 〜ツールの恩返し〜


モノつくり技術からみた先端医療と生物医学研究 -自然治癒力を介して病気を治す再生医療を中心としてー



人生100年時代のサバイバル – 翻訳会社メンバーによる3つの事例




















日本語スタイルガイドとうまく付き合うには ~スタイルガイドの背景とツボ~







1.    NMTの実務翻訳への浸透状況→翻訳者、翻訳会社、顧客、それぞれの事情
2.    NMTが活きる案件、活きない案件→分野というより原文スタイルがカギ?
3.    NMTの翻訳業界における使い方→APIを経由してCATツールに組み込む
4.  ...


1) 使用目的は何か? ・英語に弱い役員説明用、顧客への提出用 ・日本語契約書への変換原本用 ・営業部門からの翻訳依頼
2)英米独特の用語・法概念などの取り扱い 定着した日本語訳のあるものは原則としてそれを使う。
ニュアンスが異なる場合や、読む人に法律用語の素養がない場合には、解説を加える shallとwillとの違いを意識する場合と意識しない場合







日本の企業が翻訳を発注する場合、普通の流れでは日本語でやりとりできる日本の翻訳会社に連絡を取るでしょう。それは、視点を変えてみれば、他国の企業にも同じことが言えます。海外にも翻訳会社は何千とあり、その所在する国ならではの面白い案件を取り扱って いることも多く、中には私たちが普段耳にする有名な企業の仕事を頻繁に受注している翻訳会社もあります。 一方、国外ということで報酬受取の心配や取引開始のきっかけ作り、未知数のトラブルを不安に思い、そうし た海外の翻訳会社との取引を敬遠する翻訳者も少なくないと聞きます。この講演では、世界の翻訳会社情報...






Interpreting Services

A lot of meetings have been held not only for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games but also for various purposes with interpreting services. The purpose of this session is to have an interactive and informative time on current interpreting jobs...

J-E Medical Translation Workshop: The View from Both Sides

Some translators working in J-E translation are translating into their native tongue, whereas others are translating into English as a foreign language. They may therefore have difficulty with different passages, although they may also struggle with the same phrases. The...