Emily Shibata-Sato

Emily Shibata-Sato

A JAT member since its establishment in 1985. Studied communication at ICU (BA) and Sophia University (MA.) Her most recent translated book is; _Karoshi: How Overwork, Stress and Harassment Destroy People_ (Edited by the National Defense Counsel for Victims of Karoshi, Junposha, Nov. 2022) and the most recent book that she helped with research and checking is; _ International Politics and the Search for Peace_ (Kosaka Masataka, translated by Carl Freire, Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, published in March 2023.)



英日日英翻訳演習:For Better Translation, with AI?

Outline: まず、1985年から現在に至るJATと私との関わり(JAT Bulletin、IJET、PROJECT、新人翻訳者コンテスト、Translator Perspectives)と、その間の技術の発展( Fax、ワープロ、PC、インターネット、AI翻訳)を振り返ります。次に、参加者とディスカッションしながら英日・日英翻訳演習を行い、JATのモットー「心を伝え、人をつなぐ」、そしてIJET32のテーマ “Who knit‘ya? Who are we in the age of Chat-GPT?”について考えます。 Language: 日本語 On video: No