Ian Tweddell

Ian Tweddell

Ian has worked in the translation industry since 2005, back when a CAT tool was optional and jobs sometimes arrived by fax. He has served as a project manager and client contact for all of that time, and has experience working with individuals and direct clients up to the large multinational translation companies. He has also worked as a translator and editor for more than a decade, so he's also familiar with the challenges faced by linguists in the current environment.


The agency perspective: Tips for freelancers working with agencies

Working with agencies. The freelancer>agency>multi-language vendor>end-client pipeline. The pros and cons of the different models. How do we decide to hire a translator/editor? What qualifications does a PM care about? What qualifications do the clients require? What are the signs of a "good" translator? Trials and tests - What is a reasonable volume to do for free? Red flags and...