Lisa Hew

Lisa Hew

Lisa Hew is the Principal of Belle Translation Japan, Ltd., established 10 years ago. She started freelancing in January 2011, specializing in law and marketing. Translation was always a component of Lisa’s work, whether as a Coordinator for International Relations on the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme in the City of Sendai, as a contract employee for the domestic fashion conglomerate, World Co., Ltd., or as a jack-of-all-trades at Japan’s fourth largest law firm, TMI Associates. Lisa Hew was born and raised in Toronto, and has been living in Japan for almost 30 years.


Writing Well using Plain Legal English Principles

This presentation will introduce some fundamental Plain Legal English concepts, which could help any wordsmith improve their writing. The speaker will introduce tips to avoid sesquipedalianism and excise legalese from contract language, and show useful examples of concise English in legal translation. With luck, audience members will walk away with a personal list of dos and don’ts as a...