memoQ is a leading collaborative translation environment and TMS delivering premium solutions to the translation industry since 2004. memoQ is dedicated to delivering innovation through diverse developments that today help hundreds of thousands of freelance translators, translation companies, and enterprises worldwide.
Having both simplicity and effective translation processes in mind, memoQ combines ease of use, collaboration, interoperability, and leverage in a single tool.
Discover a new world with memoQ! For more information, visit

IM Honyaku
IM Translation Services, Inc, is a spin-off of a major Japanese pharmaceutical company and has
accumulated nearly 40 years of experience in medical and pharmaceutical translation. We remain
committed to strengthening our connections with JAT and other industry stakeholders and making
significant contributions to the pharmaceutical and medical sectors.

We are an English Technical Writing study group in Osaka, mainly dealing with science,
technology, and business. Once in a month, we have an English writing seminar by Mr.
Shinsuke Hirano and a study meeting for translating articles from Scientific American into
Japanese and discussing the translation.

RWS is the leading company in language industry with 85+ offices globally.
More than 270,000 translators all over the world trust and use Trados Studio as an industry
standard tool.

Simul International
サ イ マ ル ・ イ ン タ ー ナ シ ョ ナ ル は 、 創 業 以 来 、品 質 を 重 視 し た 通 訳 ・ 翻 訳 サ ー ビ ス を 通 し て国 際 コ ミ ュ ニ ケ ー シ ョ ン を サ ポ ー ト し て き まし た 。 弊 社 に ご 興 味 を お 持 ち い た だ け ま し たら 、 ぜ ひ 翻 訳 者 登 録 に ご 応 募 く だ さ い 。

Honyaku Corporation
For half a century, Honyaku Corporation has contributed to the internationalization of companies and organizations around the world with high-quality translations. We look forward to working with you to meet the increasingly diverse needs of our clients.

FORTE is the agency clients choose to translate academic papers, especially in STEM fields and the life sciences. Despite rapid advances in translation technology, the “human touch” remains indispensable. Join us if you agree and wish to maximize the translation skills you have worked so hard to acquire. (Established 1987.)