Paul Flint

Paul Flint

Paul Flint has been active in the translation business for more than 20 years, initially as an independent Japanese-to-English translator, and then as one of the founders of Honyaku Plus, Inc., along with his business partner, Phil Robertson. Honyaku Plus employs many loyal translation experts to deliver high-quality translations to our clients, both big and small.


One Skill Shy of Success: What it takes to make it as a small business owner

Small businesses of all types fail because they lack one skill. They can’t sell. You do what you do because you love it, but you also hope to make a living at it. Making a living means business, and business means sales. On June 25 at 14:00, I will talk about “21 Shocking Sales Stats”, what selling is and what it isn’t, sales karma and how to use it, and many more things. If you have no...