Shiho Koizumi

Shiho Koizumi

Shiho Koizumi, MPH

Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Science and Technology in Public Sphere (STiPs) Unit, Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research (C-PiER), Kyoto University


フリーランス通翻訳者のための健康管理術 / Stay Healthy and Grab Quality ZZZs in 2023 (JATPHARMA)

Freelance linguists—between short delivery times, chaotic fluctuations of workloads, and the encroaching threat of AI—find it ever more difficult to maintain regular sleep-wake cycles, exercise, and eat in a manner conducive to good health. When’s the last time you had a proper check-up? Who needs a doctor when there’s a wealth of free health advice on TikTok, right? The pandemic has enhanced...