Carl Freire

Carl Freire

JAT member since 2009 (though in circles since 1995): A graduate of Oberlin College and the University of Michigan, Carl also pursued doctoral studies in modern Japanese history at the University of California, Berkeley. He has worked as a journalist in Osaka and Tokyo and is presently an English advisor to the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records. Among other works, he has translated Nakamura Tetsu’s Ten, tomo ni ari [Providence Was with Us, 2020] and Kōsaka Masataka’s Kokusai seiji [International Politics and the Search for Peace, 2023] and was one of the translators for Hatano Sumio’s Nihon gaikō no 150 nen [One Hundred Fifty Years of Japanese Foreign Relations, 2022] all published by the Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture.


Translating Japanese Books on Humanities and Social Sciences

A book's translator is visible by having his/her name published in the book. That translator may become even more visible by including a "Translator's Note" that discusses the limits on the translation, cultural background, or other topics. But, a "visible" book translator is always supported by "invisible" people. At minimum, these include translation checkers, proofreaders, and editors. The...