Patent Translation: First Steps


2025年5月10日 午後 12時00分

An invention – an advancement in a technical field – can be protected by the government by a patent – a legal description of the invention. Protecting an invention worldwide means translating that description. Applying for a patent is a long process, and applying across borders involves a great deal of translation: the application itself, correspondence with the patent office, and litigation to overturn a granted patent. Over the past decade, more international patent applications by foreign applicants are being filed in Japan – this means more translation needs to be done.

Combining technical translation with a touch of legalese, patent translation is a broad field that requires the translator to be knowledgeable in one or more fields such as chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, biotechnology, telecommunications, and more.

Drawing from my experience as a translator at a patent firm in Tokyo, I will give an overview of the lifecycle of a patent, identify where translation work is to be found, and describe approaches to patent translation.