IJET-33 (2025年 5月9~11日)
Emily Shibata-Sato
A JAT member since its establishment in 1985. Studied communication at ICU (BA) and Sophia University (MA.) Her most recent translated book is; _Karoshi: How Overwork, Stress and Harassment Destroy People_ (Edited by the National Defense Counsel for Victims of Karoshi, Junposha, Nov. 2022) and the most recent book that she helped with research and checking is; _ International Politics and the Search for Peace_ (Kosaka Masataka, translated by Carl Freire, Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, published in March 2023.)JAT設立時(1985年)からの会員。ICUと上智大学大学院でコミュニケーションを専攻。近年の英訳書に『過労死:過重労働・ハラスメントによる人間破壊』(過労死弁護団全国連絡会議編、旬報社、2022年11月)、英訳協力書に『国際政治』(高坂正堯著、カール・フレイレ訳、一般財団法人出版文化産業振興財団、2023年3月)等。