Pre-IJET Option 1: TGIF Meeting [Requires Separate Ticket]


May 9, 2025 @ 11:30 AM

Join us in Tenjin, Fukuoka on Friday, May 9 for three informative presentations.

It'll be a great way to meet other IJET attendees and warm up for all the great IJET presentations on Saturday and Sunday. After the meeting, we'll go to the nearby zenyasai venue for fun, food, and drinks. To participate, you MUST register and purchase a 3000-yen IJET-33 Friday: TGIF Meeting Ticket separately from IJET-33 registration.

Be sure to eat lunch or a light meal before you arrive. All registrants will receive an email with more information a week or so before the event.

11:30 Check-in and opening remarks (15 minutes)
11:45 JATPHARMA workshop on pharma translation (understandable to non-pharma specialists) by Saori Arai (75 minutes)
13:00 15-minute break
13:15 Dealing with Ambiguity in Japanese-into-English Translation by Jim Davis (75 minutes)
14:30 15-minute break
14:45 Letters After Incarceration by Cliff Bender and Tony Atkinson (90 minutes)
16:15 Wrap-up, vacate room, head to zenyasai