Pre-IJET Option 2: Walking Tour in Old Hakata Downtown [Requires Separate Ticket]

Mizuho Mizutani, a veteran guide interpreter and Representative Director of the Kyushu Association of Interpreters, Translators and Guides, will lead attendees on a 3-hour tour of shrines, temples, and other attractions in the old Hakata downtown area. This guided tour in English is a great way to see some of Fukuoka and learn guide interpreting techniques. It will be held from 1:00 to 4:00 pm...

Pre-IJET Option 1: TGIF Meeting [Requires Separate Ticket]

Join us in Tenjin, Fukuoka on Friday, May 9 for three informative presentations. It'll be a great way to meet other IJET attendees and warm up for all the great IJET presentations on Saturday and Sunday. After the meeting, we'll go to the nearby zenyasai venue for fun, food, and drinks. To participate, you MUST register and purchase a 3000-yen IJET-33 Friday: TGIF Meeting Ticket separately from...

Rage Against the Machine: A Case Against LLMs

In this sure to be calm, measured talk, I offer an argument against the use of LLMs in any language work as a high cost, low benefit “tool.” The argument is based on personal experience, a growing base of academic research, and an examination of the costs/benefits. I also try to demonstrate more clearly what LLMs actually do in terms of proposed use cases, output, and background. In short, I...


Developing "Me" – A Business

What is your ultimate goal to exploit your translation skills? How do you become a freelancer/sole proprietor? Should you incorporate? This presentation walks the audience through the steps and thought processes to start out as a freelancer, to set up a sole proprietor business, and to incorporate. Success requires both mental and financial preparation. The key provisions of the new Freelance...


The Human "Plus Alpha" in the Age of Generative AI

Interpretation is the new buzzword for the Ministry of Environment, and the Japan Tourism Agency has been releasing grants by the bucketful for explanatory texts at cultural heritage sites. Unfortunately, many projects like these that are ostensibly for inbound tourists end up flopping as companies try to implement LLM technology to save on cost and time. In this talk and workshop, I intend to...

[Pre-IJET Friday] Dealing with Ambiguity in Japanese-into-English Translation [Requires Separate Ticket]

Ambiguity in the source text is one of many challenges faced by Japanese-into-English translators. In this presentation the speaker will focus on two specific types of ambiguity: 1) the Japanese writer’s use of terms that appear to be ambiguous or overlapping (when translated into English) to make what is intended to be a clear distinction in Japanese, and 2) a Japanese sentence that could...



2020年にウェブトゥーン翻訳のトライアルを受ける機会に恵まれたことをきっかけに、フリーランス翻訳者として活動を開始しました。ウェブトゥーンは韓国発祥の縦スクロール形式で読める電子コミックで、日本でも2010年代以降から定着してきました。ウェブトゥーン翻訳は、登場人物の口調の設定やローカライズ、文字にない前後の絵から文脈を読み取る技術や、文字量が制限されるフキダシなど様々なことを考慮して訳さなければなりません。この講演では、ウェブトゥーン翻訳で重要となる下準備や実務プロセスを中心に、品質アップにつながる実践的な工夫をお話しします。 講演内容の一部抜粋 ・担当している案件の紹介 ・翻訳案件の受注から納品までの流れ ・ウェブトゥーン翻訳の実務的準備と段取り ・案件を受注するための取り組み ・日本語文法やウェブトゥーン/マンガ翻訳の勉強方法


Translating for Publication [presentation in Japanese]

My talk will have two sections. In the first half, I will use my experience translating dozens of works—including some by Dan Brown—to offer concrete examples in discussing what to watch out for when approaching a translation. I also plan to use translations by former translation class students and AI as springboards for explanation. In the second half, I will discuss the state of the...


国際臨床医学会(ICM)が2016年に設立され、2019年にICM認定医療通訳士制度の運用を開始し、翌春より年1回認定するようになりました。英語と中国語の医療通訳士認定は経過措置の実務者認定期間が終了し、現在では厚生労働省の医療通訳育成カリキュラム基準を満たした講座を修了し、指定3団体いずれかの医療通訳試験に合格することが主な要件です。 医療通訳や医療英会話といっても、立場によって必要なアプローチが異なってきます。 自身が日本医療教育財団の医療通訳技能認定試験(専門)の合格者としてICM認定を取得し、日本医療通訳アカデミーの上記カリキュラム準拠講座、栄養士養成大学、九州通訳・翻訳者・ガイド協会および医療従事者に個人レッスンで教えている立場から、医療通訳試験対策、医療従事者の医療英会話、英語通訳案内士の危機管理としての医療通訳それぞれの取り組みについて紹介します。

Self-Care is Not Selfish

セルフケアに関する情報は巷に溢れている。しかし、自分に合ったセルフケアを見つけるということは大変難しい。色々な情報の中で、語られることが少ないものに焦点を当て、情報を共有し、自分なりのセルフケアを探すきっかけになればと願う。 アリゾナ大学のAndrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicineが提供するIntegrative Health & Lifestyle Certificate Programに入学し、半年間学んだことを交え、話題を提供していく予定。

+αの強みで考え、拡げる通訳翻訳業 ~英日+ドイツ語という三本軸から見えてくる面白さと可能性~


AI in Translation: Friend or Foe?

It is not an understatement to say that the impact of improved MT models and LLMs on the translation industry has been seismic. While translators in some sectors of the industry have embraced AI, others reject it outright. The reality is that while AI technologies are not perfect, they can be put to good use in various stages of the translation process. This session explores LLM and MT's...


Patent Translation: First Steps

An invention – an advancement in a technical field – can be protected by the government by a patent – a legal description of the invention. Protecting an invention worldwide means translating that description. Applying for a patent is a long process, and applying across borders involves a great deal of translation: the application itself, correspondence with the patent office, and litigation to...

Translating the Shogun Script – Behind the Scenes

As streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney Plus battle for market share, each company seeks to set itself apart by producing original content. One example is the FX drama Shogun, which became perhaps the most talked about series of 2024 by winning an unprecedented 18 awards at the 76th Annual Emmy Awards. One commonly noted point was how some 70% of the dialog was in...



[Pre-IJET Friday] Letters After Incarceration [Requires Separate Ticket]

In spring 2019, Cliff received a box of letters found in a filing cabinet in the local historical society. Written in Japanese, they were unrelated to our local history. With a family number luggage tag and military censor stamps, they were obviously linked to the camps in which Japanese American immigrants and citizens were "relocated" and incarcerated during WWII. Who was the recipient? After...

[Pre-IJET Friday] JATPHARMA Workshop [Requires Separate Ticket]

今回のワークショップでは、JATPHARMAの委員であるBen Tompkinsと私が2024年7月に立ち上げましたオンライン医薬翻訳勉強会「ツッコミの会」の第1回(2024年7月)と第2回(2025年1月)の内容をまとめてご紹介するとともに、皆様に小グループに分かれて実際に演習に取り組んでいただきます。実際の会では、Ben Tompkinsが日英、私が英日を担当しておりますので、今回は私が英日部分についてお話しいたします。皆様のご意見やご質問を積極的に取り入れながら進めたいと思っておりますので、お気軽にご参加いただき、皆様のお仕事にお役立ていただけますと幸いです。 [This session takes place on Friday, May 9 and requires a separate IJET-33 Friday: TGIF Meeting Ticket to...

Interpreting Has Opened Up My World


JAT and Advocacy: What can an association of individual translators and interpreters accomplish?

The environment surrounding translation work is at a turning point, with generative AI only one issue. It is at precisely times like these that advocacy work, bringing the voices of individual translators and interpreters to society, is so vital. In this talk, we will unravel the knotty problem of just what advocacy means and what concrete action looks like. We will also introduce examples from...

Professionalism: Expectations of Business Requiring Interpreting and Translation

The stakes in industry and commerce have risen steadily over the past several decades. The individual interpreter or translator can consequently be involved in financially more expensive decision-making than ever before. To handle the responsibility, clients are finding that retaining a specialized translation or interpreting resource exclusively (if possible) is valuable. What professional...



多言語スキルは、翻訳者・通訳者にとって強力な武器です。今回は、多言語習得の魅力と実践的な学び方、そしてキャリアにおける具体的なメリットについて、私自身の経験を交えてご紹介します。 まず、複数の言語を操ることで広がる活躍の場や、フリーランスとして市場価値が自然に高まった実感についてお話しします。経験してきた失敗も含め、多様な文化への深い理解が質の高い翻訳・通訳サービスにつながり、また多国間の商談などでどのように力を発揮できたか、具体的な事例と共に共有します。 次に、効率的に新しい言語を習得する方法として、私が実践している「関連する言語族をまとめて学ぶ」アプローチについてお話しします。また、複数の言語を維持するための日々の取り組みやモチベーション維持の方法についてもお伝えできればと思います。

Japanese-English Translation Workshop: A Live View of the Workplace

How do translators understand source texts and produce translations? What do they research while they translate? How do they find the answers to their queries in the shortest possible time? Is there any value in using an AI assistant to make research more effective? In this workshop, we will see first-hand how two experienced translators tackle source texts in areas often encountered by their...