越前 敏弥

越前 敏弥

Literary translator. Born 1961. Translator into Japanese of numerous books, including: Olympia by Dennis Bock; The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown; The Tragedy of Y by Ellery Queen; The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, The Turnglass by Gareth Rubin, The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton, The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd, Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee; and more.
Author of Bungei Honyaku Kyōshitsu, Honyaku Hyakkei, Isshō ni Honykau Shiteminai? Echizen Toshiya no Eibun Kaishaku Kōgi, Echizen Toshiya no Nihonjin nara Kanarazu Goyaku suru Eibun・Ketteiban, and more.
Enjoys wandering through translated mystery book clubs across Japan and tasting the local ramen. Founded private publisher HH Books in 2024 and published Yakusha Atogaki Senshū. Currently preparing to publish more essays and translations through HH Books.

Portrait by Ōsugi Shunpei

IJET-33 Sessions:
Translating for Publication [presentation in Japanese]