

Ben Tompkins lives in beautiful Fukuoka, Japan, where he began translating professionally in 1994. Ben specializes in pharmaceutical and biomedical translation. He owns Tompkins Biomedical Communications, a provider of translation and other language services to pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, and universities. Ben served as President of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) from June 2016 to June 2017 and has helped organize three IJET conferences in and outside Japan.


宮原健(みやはらたけし)。Sprachgetriebe Consulting代表。Sony EMCSや三菱重工業などの企業で社内通翻訳者の経験を積む。そして母校の広島経済大学で留学生アドバイザーとしての専門知識を培った後、2019年に独立。以前同僚だった通翻訳者や同業者交流イベント等で知り合った通翻訳者とチームを組み、太陽光発電、精密機器、広告、人材、観光、会計、入管など多岐にわたる分野で英独⇄日の翻訳通訳コンサルサービスを提供している。目下の関心事は地元企業のサポート。元JAT理事(2019/7-2023/6)。多言語翻訳分科会(JATOTH)委員長。




Haru Tamura was born in Kansas City, USA and raised in Fukuoka, Japan. He recently started translating full-time, mainly focusing on English to Japanese localization of video games. IJET-33 will be his first time serving on an organizing committee, but he's excited to play a part in delivering an exciting and memorable conference.




George Bourdaniotis majored in Japanese at university in Australia and arrived in Japan for a year (don’t we all) in 1990. He first entered translation by mistake in 1993 and has translated and interpreted in the marketing, tourism, video script and subtitle fields. For more than a decade, he has also been working as a script advisor, translator, writer, and narrator for NHK World. He is a screener for the JAT Translation Contest, has organised events in Kansai as part of the KAT committee, and has been involved in the organisation of five IJET and PROJECT conferences in and outside Japan.


山口県在中アメリカ人翻訳者とライター。著書の「Discovering Yamaguchi Sake」と横溝正史氏の「悪魔が来たれて、笛をふく」の英訳担当で、訳文の「The Devil's Flute Murders」も2023年出版。今後、雨穴氏の「変な絵」も出版予定です。TJ翻訳合同会社の英訳責任者として勤めています。スコットランド人蔵人アンドリュー・ラッセルと共に、ポッドキャスト「Sake Deep Dive」で日本酒の深い話を毎月発信しています。


Stephen Christenson is a Japanese-to-English translator specializing in marketing, academia, and entertainment media. On the technical side, he enjoys tinkering with homelab projects in his free time and might have once taken an "Intro to HTML" course in the late nineties. Fukuoka will be his third IJET as an attendee and first as a volunteer, and he's excited to spread the word about this wonderful city.