2024年に最も注目を集めたドラマシリーズといえば、第76回エミー賞で史上最多の18部門を制覇したFXのドラマシリーズ『SHOGUN 将軍』 でしょう。アメリカの作品でありながら、本編のせりふの70%が日本語だった ことも大きな話題となりました。
『SHOGUN 将軍』の制作手法については本作でプロデュース・主演を務める真田広之氏がさまざまなメディアで語り、日本のマスコミでも大きく取り上げられましたので、本作に多くの日本人プロフェッショナルが関わっていることをご存じの方も多いと思います。
In this sure to be calm, measured talk, I offer an argument against the use of LLMs in any language work as a high cost, low benefit “tool.” The argument is based on personal experience, a growing base of academic research, and an examination of the costs/benefits. I also try to demonstrate more clearly what LLMs actually do in terms of proposed use cases, output, and background. In short, I...
Interpretation is the new buzzword for the Ministry of Environment, and the Japan Tourism Agency has been releasing grants by the bucketful for explanatory texts at cultural heritage sites. Unfortunately, many projects like these that are ostensibly for inbound tourists end up flopping as companies try to implement LLM technology to save on cost and time. In this talk and workshop, I intend to...